Under the Umbrella

This is a live project in association with Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, West Midlands, UK.

The brief: client asked to design a poster for the play "Under the Umbrella" using photography or illustration, including its title and a sentence: 'tradition, trauma, and triumph in the art of finding love'. The play is about a 27 y/o Chinese woman living and studying in England whose family is worried that she won't be able to find a husband. The client requested to see some designs with title treatment. 

Solution: my goal was to connect both cultures (Eastern and Western) within the project. I did vector illustrations that combine some oriental themes and colours (like Chinese landscape or red) with simple forms, lines, and sans serif fonts. For the title treatment, requested by the client, I have created my own typeface. I started by cutting half of the circle to create a ‘U’ that stands for the word ‘umbrella’, and the rest of the letters follow it with the same features and quality of line. The negative space strengthens the clarity and readability of posters.

Two of the presented designs have been chosen for an exhibition in the theatre. 

Work in progress, some of ideas:
Posters exhibited in Belgrade Theatre: